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Rosszúl vagyok

Álmos vagyok

Holnap korán kellek

Erre én nem vágyom

Iskola undor, ez nem vitás

Rossz kedvem van, nincs itt más.


Holnap 7 óraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa meghalok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


és 6-7. óra GYAKSZI!!! UTÁLOM!!!!!!!!!!





naggyon tré lessssssssss

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Men, when you are out there in the battlefield and you are looking into the beady eyes of a Canadian as he charges you whit his hockey stick or whatever he has and people are dying all around you just remember what the MPAA said, "Horrific, deplorable violence is ok as long as people don't say any naughty words." That is what this war is all about! :D

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